Monday, July 27, 2009

Barcelona in pictures

Looking back at my previous post, I'm realizing more and more that I need to find the best way to keep all the information I want to share simple and to the point. It's difficult because there's so much to tell, but I seriously commend anyone that actually read through everything I wrote on Barcelona, because that was way too wordy and not very organized.
So I think this post will be better and much more exciting to "read"!
Here are the promised pictures of Barcelona:

Tiled ceilings in part of Parc Guell.

The crazy stone architecture at Parc Guell. Half the place looks like this, the other half is done up in that tiled style I show in the first picture.

On the rooftop of "La Pedrera"- The house designed by Gaudi.

View of the bustling port of Barcelona from atop the Old Village Montjuic.

Inside the market- Look at all the beautiful fruit!! I probably ate my weight in fresh figs on this trip. Why don't they grow like that here??

The lifesize mammoth replica in Parque Cuidadela with my brother and the kids underneath so you can get a sense of scale.

Entrance to the park. I'm not sure about when or why this was built but arches are always pretty :)

Next time I'll talk about all the little French Riviera towns we passed through. And if you'd like, you can leave comments telling me what you most like hearing about so I can make my posts more concise.

Hope you enjoyed the photo tour!


Maggie M. said...

I want to go there!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing them. I hope I manage to travel to Spain one day! I adore fruit markets, and fresh figs! Much love

Anonymous said...

Obviously, I wanna hear more abt that gorgeous MARKET!! Actually, tell me more abt everything!
p.s. I FINALLY found your blog! The url you left before was wrong...actually the url you put for this blog was wrong, too, but I somehow figured it out by replacing the "blogger" with "blogspot".

Gaby said...

OooOOO I've been posting it wrong on everyone's then! :X woops. I will fix that for future comments lol
AND I'll write my next post soon, prepare yourselves for the French Riviera!

Anonymous said...

Hey Gabi! This is Cristian! Que linda foto, creo que vi este arco alguna vez en un sitio de arquitectura. La verdad que muy hermoso, y que fortuna poder estar ahi! Hey venis a Argentina con Ana para visitar a Andrea en su aventura por sudamerica? Espero que si, asi nos damos una vuelta por algun lugar de Arg!
Bueno te mando un beso y que sigas sacando fotos! las de Massachusets la verdad, hermosisimas!
